P-04-554 An official Welsh Government policy that prohibits non transparent training organisations from working within public bodies

Petition wording:


We call on the National Assembly for Wales to urge the Welsh Government to form an official policy that prohibits non transparent training organisations, consultancies and charities from operating within the Welsh Government, civil service, local Government and within public funded bodies in Wales in general; in the form of in house training or otherwise. Unaccountable training organisations, consultancies and charities using public money should be refrained from any such activity without being fully transparent and providing full disclosure of what their courses entails and what the cost is to the tax payer and to the public in general. A full list of such training programmes should include ones that cater for career and personal development and advancement as well as ones not directly related to the persons employment. This full disclosure policy for public bodies in Wales would reinforce the Welsh Governments commitment to transparency and openness.


Petition raised by: Cymru Sofren / Sovereign Wales


Date Petition first considered by Committee: 13 May 2014


Number of signatures:10